EOS energy Renovation
EOS energy Renovation is a comprehensive IHRS (Integrated Home Renovation Service) who has structured a Comprehensive Renovation Model based on its more than 20 year know-how as an ESCO (Energy Services Company, ESE in Spanish) to Improve the energy efficiency of buildings in which, thanks to its financing and guarantee of savings from the implemented measures in the form of EPC (Energy Performance Contracting), it can offer renovations with no down-payment until the renovation works are concluded, with very reduced (and even without) extra contributions with respect to the usual monthly community energy costs over a certified management period of 10 to 15 years.
Role in the project:
Building upon the EOS energy comprehensive building renovation model -qualified by the European Commission as innovative and best practice- will take a step forward taking advantage of its work methodologies, technical solutions and identification of barriers, with the ultimate goal of that the energy balance in the renovated buildings is null or even positive, aiming thus to create a European standard of renovation management.
It will also play a relevant role on the dissemination and communication of these methodologies to effectively reach the citizens.